Choosing To Change

Choosing To Change

Change is a constant in our lives, it’s something many of us can’t get used to and often fear. We can not pause our lives at a perfect point, there is a forward momentum which inevitably brings change. A new job, new School, a new routine can trigger all sorts of anxieties and worries. We adapt, we react, we cope but we are left with a less than wholesome sense of the meaning of change.

But change can also be something we choose to make and that kind of change can be very positive indeed. You could choose to; change how you see yourself; change how you live your life; choose to be more at ease.

Changing how you see yourself might mean valuing yourself more; recognising when you are stressed or sad, realising that you are doing your best or admitting that you have hit the wall.

Changing how you live your life might mean; taking yourself out of a negative situation; adopting a healthier diet; exercising more; asking for help when you need it or learning you can’t fix everything for everyone.

When you change what’s going on in your mind you also change what’s going on in your body. A mind restored and revitalised by positive change pours new energy and vitality into our body and soon instead of being locked in a pattern of trudging through our days we are actively seeking ways to improve our sense of well-being. With this type of empowering and positive change comes a reduction in health concerns such as achey shoulders, sore heads, constipation, insomnia and fatigue.

You have gone from disease to ease.

I’ll sign off with this quote which I think sums it all up – ” Your life does not get better by chance.  It gets better by CHANGE.”




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